

  • 星期五晚上的兒童節目: 通過敬拜,聖經故事和遊戲讓孩子與基督的福音相連,使他們可以將聖經的真理運用到生活中。
  • 兒童主日學: 通過崇拜及有系統的聖經課程和活動,教導孩子認識上帝,並與上帝建立緊密的關係。
  • 兒童主日敬拜:創造一個適合兒童年齡的敬拜環境; 藉由讀經,唱詩,祈禱,教導聖經,奉獻, 及認罪來榮耀上帝。

It is our commitment to partner with parents to plant seeds of faith in every child through teaching, worship, fellowship, discipleship, evangelism and service, so that these children will come to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ.

Our programs include:

  • Friday night kid’s program: To reach out children with the gospel of Christ through worship, Bible story and games so that they can apply the biblical truth into their lives.
  • Children Sunday school: To guide and teach children to know God and to build a strong relationship with God through worship, systematic Bible lessons and activities.
  • Children Sunday Worship: To glorify God by creating an environment and using the elements of worship – reading scripture, singing hymns, prayer, teaching the Word, offerings, and confessing our faith in an age-appropriate level.

線上崇拜 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4309561431